Friday, January 17, 2014

Blueberry Jam

The Source
(with some modifications)

2 pints and 4 half pints of blue berry jam.

4 cups blueberries

3 cups granulated sugar
1 cup water

5 tart apples, blossom and stem ends removed. 
2 limes, blossom and stem ends removed, skin not removed.

Put quartered or eighthed apples and limes through 2mm slicing blade of Cuisinart, heat until you have apple sauce.

(Note trash can just in position to scrape cutting board into. The can can slide under the table. Julia Child, the cat, is hoping I'm trimming chicken).

Put through food mill. Discarding seeds.

Heat adding water, sugar and blueberries. 

When hot an immersion blender helps.

Boil, while stirring 20 minutes, until jam heaps in spoon.

Put up in desired jars.

Process BWB 10 minutes, and don't do as I always do on a BWB and forget the white vinegar, about 3 tbls in the water.

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